Monday, November 18, 2013


I don't know what I would do without the internet! I love searching for images, projects, products, sites and people who inspire me to create more beautifully and more often. Here are a few links of things I have been loving lately:


Lauren Conrad's office makeover *swoon* 
Image of Let's Go Camping Print
An adorable little online shop called Have. I seriously want this print!

Have you heard of The Period Store? Every month you can order your feminine products, and then they include a piece of artwork, a gourmet candy, tea and medicine. Haha it's an Aunt Flow visit care kit! I haven't ordered one yet but it would be fun to get surprise things in the mail at that time of the month! Goodness knows us women need some cheering up about then!

A motivational thought on storytelling by Ira Glass.

Those are some interesting things I've found lately, anything you've found worthy of sharing? I'd love to hear about them!

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